

Dear Interest,


UNcompromised is a program sponsored by the Michigan Conference to address and train men and women, young and old, in their choices of purity in Christ, modesty and sexual behavior. This program seeks to remind men and women that no matter what choices a person has made, that everyone has an opportunity through Christ to be called UNcompromised.


Don and I share our testimony that will show you that even through compromise..... God's grace is sufficient, and He can through His Holy Spirit, change even the most  unlikely marriage, spouse, or child to be victorious in overcoming satan's grasp and become  Uncompromised! 

This program addresses how to say Yes to Christ and how to keep that commitment in difficult times. We must be bold in our decisions to remain pure, because the world around us is being bold to seduce us for things that are impure.


In fact Pornography is exploding into our homes and lives through the Internet, television and even our cell phones! How can we and our children be protected from this insidious tool of Satan? For the Christian enslaved in it, the goal is not merely recovering from pornography but being remade by God Himself into the image of the perfect man, Jesus Christ. There is victory in Jesus. We need to know how to keep our children safe from all of the devils tricks and lies.


God is working hard to lift our hearts and minds from the base elements of the world and place them on what is pure and holy. In Jeremiah 17:8 it says if we are planted in Christ, drink deeply of Him, draw from His word, seek Him daily and gain strength from prayer, that we can remain fruitful and obedient in drought or under pressure.


Don and I know first hand the effects that compromise can have on you, we remember all to well the pain and sorrow that came from those poor choices. Our marriage was under attack, but God gave us victory and as we have grown closer to God, that has drawn us closer to each other.


The program for Church's consists of:


  1. A friday evening program for adults only, married and single, Sharing God’s plan for marriage and why the world has the dating process backwards.
  2. The worship service- sharing  our testimony How God redeemed our fallen marriage of abortion and pornography. (family friendly).

3.   A Sabbath afternoon program, (2:00pm) for the whole family. Regarding how to keep our families UNcompromised in a world of compromise.


Also, Available to talk to schools.


If you think your church/school could benefit from this program go to the 'contact us' button and we will contact you.



May God lead us all into purer, Holy, and Uncompromised lives,  as we prepare for His soon return.    


God bless,  

Don & Lisa Sawvel